Unlike my mother, I can not sew a stitch on a machine. I had to alter my things by hand for years until someone came up with the wonderful idea of petite sizing. I just couldn't master a machine. I may have told you sewing machines hate me.
Any way, we didn't teach Chelle to sew. However, when she had a little girl, she felt the desire to make her some things. She just sat down with a machine and did it...no patterns or anything. She cut them out by guessing and sewed them together. Some were not perfect, but they worked and she has just kept improving. She enjoys making things for the kids and they appreciate their originality and suggest other things for her to make. They even ask for home made items for Christmas.
What happened to me? The sewing gene just skipped me altogether. My claim to fame has to be my art... oils, color pencil and (I'll call this art) my digital scrapbooks. I'll let Chelle do the hard part, making these dresses and I'll capture them on paper.
It is cool to see these two dressed alike. I have always enjoyed seeing mothers and daughters in similar clothing. I even like to see wives and husbands who wear matching outfits.
But what I don't like to see is a politician 'dressed like a man of and for the people' and acting like he despises everything they stand for by ignoring their laws and slapping them down day by day.
Arizona as a state has rights that are being denied them by an over powerful, lopsided government devoid of checks and balances. The main responsibility of the federal government is to protect us. They have fallen down on that job, spending our money instead to take over private enterprise, etc. Now they are not only failing to do what they should be doing, they are prohibiting Arizona from enforcing emigration laws to protect itself from foreign encroachment.
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite." James Madison, Federalist No 45
Please pray we will be able to return to the pattern of government that made us strong and to a country where people from all over the world came to be free and to prosper.
Even though this is true (blushing), I didn't make these dresses. I found them at TJ Maxx.